
Le plus haut des villages du Celavu Prunelli

À 850m d’altitude, Bastelica est le plus haut des villages du Celavu Prunelli, au pied du Monte Renosu à quelques kilomètres du Val d’Ese et de sa station de ski. Le village est surtout connu pour avoir vu naître en 1498, le célèbre condottiere Sampieru Corsu, instigateur de la rébellion contre Gênes en 1553, et dont le mariage tragique aurait servi d’inspiration à William Shakespeare pour le personnage d’Othello..

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The highest of the villages of Celavu Prunelli

At an altitude of 850m, Bastelica is the highest of the Celavu Prunelli’s villages, at the foot of Monte Renosu a few kilometers away from the Val d’Ese and its ski resort.

The village is best known for the famous condottiere Sampieru Corsu,who was born there in 1498. He instigated the rebellion against Genoa in 1553, and his tragic marriage is said to have inspired William Shakespeare for the character of Othello.

To discover
